Recent Posts
An Ark of Acacia Wood
In Exodus 37:1-5 we read of the construction of the Ark of the Covenant. The [...]
Our Father’s Love
In 1st John 3:1 we read “Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed [...]
Devoted to Prayer
In Acts 2:42 we read that the early Christians continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine [...]
The Healing of Naaman
In 2 Kings Chapter 5 we read of the healing of Naaman. He was the [...]
Draw Near
In James chapter 4 the brethren are instructed to live righteous lives and to cease [...]
The Grace of our Lord
Philippians chapter 4 is a very encouraging and uplifting portion of the Scripture. In the [...]
In today’s world there are many theories and man-made requirements pushed upon believers concerning what they must do to be saved or simply put How God Saves. Some say that it is enough to simply believe and recite the sinner’s prayer (faith only). Others say believe and then we will vote to determine if you are permitted to be a member. Still others say that there is nothing that can be done since you have either been selected by God from the beginning or you are eternally damned (pre-destination). The problem with these theories is that they are outside of the Bible, the Inspired Word of God.
The purpose of this site is to provide a simple outline of what the Scripture says about How God Saves. Please read the references provided, and you will see that there are no man-made rules that you need to follow. Your salvation is personal and the requirements are between you and God.
Please consider the following Scripture references. In addition, it is recommended that you read at least one of the Gospel accounts (Mathew, Mark, Luke or John) and then the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. In the Gospel account you will see what Jesus commanded and in Acts you will see how the Apostles implemented the commands. Below, there are links to articles containing further discussion of each of the steps and associated topics concerning How God Saves man.
- Hear the Gospel (Romans 10:17, John 8:32).
- Believe the Gospel (Hebrews 11:6, John 20:31; Romans 10:17).
- Repent, turning from sin and changing the purpose of our life to one that is pleasing unto God (Luke 13:3, Acts 17:30).
- Confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Romans 10:10, Matthew 10:32)
- Be Baptized by Immersion for the remission of sin (Galatians 3:27, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6. Act 22:16).
- Live a faithful life unto death (Revelation 2:10).
That’s it! Plain and simple. Read it for yourself and then obey the one true and living God.
Hear God’s Word:
The first step in becoming a Christian is hearing God’s Word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The Word of God (the Bible) is the basis for your change of heart.
The Pattern of Conversion in the New Testament: The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
The Book of Acts was written by Luke, an inspired man of God, for the [...]
Power of the Gospel
Without the death of Christ on the cross the Gospel would be of no value. [...]
Hearing and Faith
It is written in Hebrews 11:6 “For without faith it is impossible to please Him; [...]
After hearing God’s Word, one must believe, according to the Bible, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He is the only One who can save you from your sins.
Help My Unbelief
In Mark 9:14-29 we read the account of Jesus healing a boy with an unclean [...]
Free Gift
In Romans 5:17 there is a comparative between the one man Adam through whom sin [...]
In Hebrews 11:1-2 the scripture says; Now faith is the substance (sub-structure, foundation) of things [...]
After hearing God’s Word, and believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, repentance from all of your past sins is necessary. Repentance is the recognition that you have sinned and that you are turning away from those sins and turning to God.
Repentance is defined by Thayer as “to change one’s mind for better, heartily to amend [...]
After hearing God’s Word, believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and repenting of all of your past sins, confession that Jesus Christ is the Son of God before men and God is required. It is simply a verbal acknowledgement that you view Jesus Christ as Deity and that you are turning your life over to Him.
Was Peter the Preeminent Apostle Upon Whom the Church is Built
Matthew 16:13-20 is a passage rich in figures of speech and meaning within the ancient [...]
In the New Testament "confession" means “ declare openly or speaking out freely such confession [...]
After hearing God’s Word, believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, repenting from all of your past sins, and confessing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God before men and God, you must be baptized into Christ. Baptism is immersion in water which adds you to Christ’s Church and washes away all of your past sins.
Washed Us From Our Sin
In Revelation 1:5 the Scripture says that Jesus, “loved us and washed us from our [...]
The English words "baptize" and "baptism" found in the Bible are not a translated words [...]
How does God Save? Test your knowledge on God’s plan of salvation!
After obeying God’s commands by hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, and being baptized – one must continue to live a life of faithfulness. This does not mean you need to be perfect. It means you do your very best to adhere to all of God’s commands but when you fail asking God for forgiveness.
Draw Near
In James chapter 4 the brethren are instructed to live righteous lives and to cease [...]
The Grace of our Lord
Philippians chapter 4 is a very encouraging and uplifting portion of the Scripture. In the [...]
Faith and Obedience
Faith and obedience are the bedrock of pleasing God. The scripture says; “For without faith [...]
Peace with God & Obedient Faith
In the context of Ephesians chapter 2, we as gentiles are described as in times [...]
Walk in the Path of Life
Psalms 16 includes a message of dependence, trust, obedience and hope. This scripture provides much [...]
Walk in the City Foursquare
In the 21st chapter of Revelation, John is shown the holy city adorned as a [...]
The Christian Walk
In Ephesians 4:1, Christians are instructed to walk (regulate one’s life or conduct) worthy of [...]
Walk How Jesus Walked
In 1 John 2:3-6 the Scripture tells us that “we do know (may perceive, know [...]
He Did Not Save Himself
In Mark 15:29-31, while Jesus hanged on the cross He was mocked by those passing [...]
A Living Sacrifice
In Romans 12:1-2 inspiration beseeches us (calls us near) to present our bodies a living [...]
Quick Thoughts
Here are some blog posts that will help you remain faithful to God. They are “quick thoughts” from God’s Word that will spur you to live how God wants you to live.
An Ark of Acacia Wood
In Exodus 37:1-5 we read of the construction of the Ark of the Covenant. The [...]
Our Father’s Love
In 1st John 3:1 we read “Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed [...]
Devoted to Prayer
In Acts 2:42 we read that the early Christians continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine [...]
Together with God
In Mathew 18:15-20 Jesus outlines the process for dealing with a brother when he has [...]
Knit to the Soul
In 1 Samuel 18:1-3 we read of the great friendship between Jonathan and David. The [...]
Give You the Kingdom
In Luke 12: 22-34 Jesus is teaching His disciples about material things which often cause [...]
How the Law of Moses and Keeping the Sabbath Relate to Christians Today
In the religious world today there is much confusion concerning the origin of the Sabbath, [...]
Accepted as a Fool
In 2nd Corinthians Chapter 11 it is recorded that the Church was being deceived by [...]
Spiritual help in Time of Need
In Philippians chapter 1 we find the Apostle Paul imprisoned (vs 7). He told the [...]
A Lesson from a Fig Tree
In Mark 13: 28-31 there is a parable spoken by our Lord concerning the fig [...]
Christ Our Friend
In John 15: 12-14 Jesus is speaking to his disciples about love, sacrifice and obedience. [...]
Nor Eye Has Seen
In Isaiah 64:4 we read; “For since the beginning of the world men have not [...]
More than Conquerors
In Romans 8:35-37 two questions are posed “Who can separate us from the love of [...]
Free From Death
In Romans 7:15-25 the apostle Paul by inspiration speaks of the Old Testament law of [...]
Good Measure
In Romans 12 the scripture instructs us to present our bodies a living sacrifice (vs1), [...]
Living Water
In John Chapter 4 we read the account of Jesus wearied and sitting on Jacobs [...]
All Authority
Before Christ came to the earth, he “thought it not robbery to be equal with [...]
Is this Communism?
In Acts Chapter 4 we find the wonderful account of agape love that brethren of [...]
Don’t Wait Too Long
In Acts 22:10-16 we find the account of Saul’s conversion, beginning on the road to [...]
Give Recognition
In 1 Corinthians 16:18 the Apostle Paul, when speaking of Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus says; [...]
Can Conflict be Good?
Conflict has been associated with the Church since the beginning. It was founded in conflict [...]
The Stumbling Block
In Acts chapter 15 we have an account where Jewish Christians were attempting to bind [...]
Preach the Word
In 2nd Timothy 4:2 there is an instruction to preach the word. This is so [...]
The Bread
In 1st Corinthians 10: 16-17 the scripture discusses the Lord’s Supper. In verse 16 our [...]
Give Thanks for the Second Coming
At the second coming “the Lord Himself (not a representative) shall descend from heaven with [...]
The Death of a Daughter
In Luke 8:41-56 we have the account of the sickness and death of the 12 [...]
Jesus Became Poor
1st Corinthians chapter 8 begins with the Apostle Paul commending the churches of Macedonia for [...]
What Makes Following Jesus so Difficult?
Sometimes we may think or hear others say that Jesus has made it difficult to [...]
Restoring Spiritual Gifts to the Church
In the New Testament we read that signs were used to confirm the Word (Mark [...]
Restore Trust
In Proverbs 3:5-6 the Scripture reads, “Trust (be confident, sure) in the Lord with all [...]
I Come from God
In John 16:24-27, Jesus speaking to His apostles concerning prayer and their needs says; “For [...]
Hope Built on Nothing Less
In First Corinthians 3:11 Jesus Christ is described as the foundation of the Church. “For [...]
Jesus Encounters Mathew
In Luke 5:27-30 Jesus encounters Levi (Mathew) sitting at receipt of custom (vs. 27). Jesus [...]
Son of Man
Today as in times past there are those who are always ready to deny the [...]
Consequences of Sin
The immediate context of 1 Timothy 5:21-25 is the relationship to and the treatment of [...]
One Body
In Col 2:9 we learn that Jesus was not simply like a prophet who had [...]
Do Not Be Foolish
In Ephesians chapter five various instructions are given to members of the Church who are [...]
Lead Us Not into Temptation
In Matt 6: 9-13 Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Within that prayer there is [...]
Wisdom Brings Hope
Proverbs 24:14 tells us that to know the wisdom of God brings both reward and [...]
Safely to His Heavenly Kingdom
The 4th Chapter of 2 Timothy is a record of both sadness and triumph. Paul [...]
Jesus Came to End Hunger
In John chapter 6, Jesus miraculously fed 5000 men with loaves and fishes. Later, some [...]
While She Was with Them
In Acts chapter 9, Peter was asked to come to Joppa without delay, because a [...]
Jesus is Compassionate
Jesus has great compassion for us. He is touched with our grief (Luke 7:13). In [...]
Response to Suffering
In 1 Peter chapter two, Peter urged Christians to behave honorably among unbelievers. To accomplish [...]
The Power of Joy
In 1 Peter 4:12-13 Christians are instructed not to think it strange (foreign) when fiery [...]
Prayed for His Enemies
As we go through life, if we are trying to live the right way and [...]
My Life Is Not Dear
In Acts 20:23-24 the Apostle Paul indicates by inspiration, that it has been revealed unto [...]
To Serve
In Philippians 2:7 we learn that Jesus Christ left the presence of His Father to [...]
In Titus 3:1-8, after instructing Titus to put the brethren in mind to be “ready [...]
Man of Sorrows
One of my favorite songs concerning the cross of Jesus is entitled “Man of Sorrows”. [...]
Delivered from Our Troubles
In Psalms 54, David by inspiration expresses a general truth that God helps those who [...]
Resist the Devil
In 1 Peter 5:8 the Devil is described as a roaring lion who “walketh about [...]
God Is Faithful
The Scripture reveals that God is faithful (1 Cor. 1:9; 1 Cor. 10:19). Therefore we [...]
Forgive One Another
In Ephesians 4:31-32 the Church at Ephesus is instructed to put away bitterness, wrath, anger, [...]
Giving Thanks
In 1st Thessalonians 5:18 the Scripture, instructs the Church to “give thanks” (eucharisteo-to be grateful [...]
Be Thankful
Being thankful is a commanded behavior (Col. 3:15). Since it is a commanded behavior we [...]
Love Each Other Deeply
In 1 Peter 4: 7-8 the scripture says “be ye sober and watch unto prayer [...]
In Hebrews chapter 13, after instructing the brethren on their responsibilities to one another (vs. [...]
God Gives Us His Ear
Psalms 84 is an inspired description of three broad elements of a faithful life. The [...]
The Spirit Descended upon Him
In Matthew 3:16-17 we read of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. At [...]
Fear No Evil
In Psalms 23:4 we read, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow [...]
Love of Money
In 1 Timothy 6:10 we read; “For the love of money (avarice- excessive or insatiable desire for [...]
This Is Eternal Life
In John chapter 17 we find the remarkable prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ, reaching [...]
Wonderful, Counselor
In Isaiah 9:6 the scripture speaks of the coming Messiah. “For unto us a child [...]
Praise for Courage
Webster defines courage as the mental or moral strength to venture. persevere and withstand danger [...]
Pray for Each Other
In James 4:16 we are encouraged to confess our faults one to another and pray [...]
No Condemnation
In Romans 8:1 the apostle Paul contrasts the Mosaic Law, with its inability to destroy [...]
Restore Newness
In Revelation Chapters 20 and 21, we see the overthrow of the devil, the books [...]
Jesus Can Forgive
Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). In accordance [...]
How God Saves Blog
An Ark of Acacia Wood
In Exodus 37:1-5 we read of the construction of the Ark of the Covenant. The [...]
Our Father’s Love
In 1st John 3:1 we read “Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed [...]
Devoted to Prayer
In Acts 2:42 we read that the early Christians continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine [...]
The Healing of Naaman
In 2 Kings Chapter 5 we read of the healing of Naaman. He was the [...]
Draw Near
In James chapter 4 the brethren are instructed to live righteous lives and to cease [...]
The Grace of our Lord
Philippians chapter 4 is a very encouraging and uplifting portion of the Scripture. In the [...]
King Saul’s Sin and how it relates to our Obedience Today
In Exodus Chapter 17 the children of Israel, as a part of their flight from [...]
Together with God
In Mathew 18:15-20 Jesus outlines the process for dealing with a brother when he has [...]
Jericho and Salvation
It had been several hundred years since God had promised to make of Abram a [...]
One is Born Again
In John 3:1-3 we read the account of Nicodemus, a Pharisee and ruler of the [...]
Knit to the Soul
In 1 Samuel 18:1-3 we read of the great friendship between Jonathan and David. The [...]
Give You the Kingdom
In Luke 12: 22-34 Jesus is teaching His disciples about material things which often cause [...]
Prayer – Asking Incorrectly
In James chapter 3:17-18 the scripture discusses the pure, peaceable and gentle wisdom from above [...]
Obey God
In Leviticus Chapter 8 we read of the consecration of Aaron and his sons to [...]
Help My Unbelief
In Mark 9:14-29 we read the account of Jesus healing a boy with an unclean [...]
How the Law of Moses and Keeping the Sabbath Relate to Christians Today
In the religious world today there is much confusion concerning the origin of the Sabbath, [...]
Accepted as a Fool
In 2nd Corinthians Chapter 11 it is recorded that the Church was being deceived by [...]
Faith and Obedience
Faith and obedience are the bedrock of pleasing God. The scripture says; “For without faith [...]
Spiritual help in Time of Need
In Philippians chapter 1 we find the Apostle Paul imprisoned (vs 7). He told the [...]
A Lesson from a Fig Tree
In Mark 13: 28-31 there is a parable spoken by our Lord concerning the fig [...]
Christ Our Friend
In John 15: 12-14 Jesus is speaking to his disciples about love, sacrifice and obedience. [...]
Nor Eye Has Seen
In Isaiah 64:4 we read; “For since the beginning of the world men have not [...]
More than Conquerors
In Romans 8:35-37 two questions are posed “Who can separate us from the love of [...]
Free From Death
In Romans 7:15-25 the apostle Paul by inspiration speaks of the Old Testament law of [...]
Good Measure
In Romans 12 the scripture instructs us to present our bodies a living sacrifice (vs1), [...]
Living Water
In John Chapter 4 we read the account of Jesus wearied and sitting on Jacobs [...]
All Authority
Before Christ came to the earth, he “thought it not robbery to be equal with [...]
The word agnostic is defined as “a person who believes that nothing is known or [...]
Is this Communism?
In Acts Chapter 4 we find the wonderful account of agape love that brethren of [...]
Peace and Comfort
In Romans 15:1-5 the strong are instructed to support those who are weak and experiencing [...]
Don’t Wait Too Long
In Acts 22:10-16 we find the account of Saul’s conversion, beginning on the road to [...]
Was Peter the Preeminent Apostle Upon Whom the Church is Built
Matthew 16:13-20 is a passage rich in figures of speech and meaning within the ancient [...]
Give Recognition
In 1 Corinthians 16:18 the Apostle Paul, when speaking of Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus says; [...]
Can Conflict be Good?
Conflict has been associated with the Church since the beginning. It was founded in conflict [...]
The Stumbling Block
In Acts chapter 15 we have an account where Jewish Christians were attempting to bind [...]
Preach the Word
In 2nd Timothy 4:2 there is an instruction to preach the word. This is so [...]
The Bread
In 1st Corinthians 10: 16-17 the scripture discusses the Lord’s Supper. In verse 16 our [...]
Give Thanks for the Second Coming
At the second coming “the Lord Himself (not a representative) shall descend from heaven with [...]
The Death of a Daughter
In Luke 8:41-56 we have the account of the sickness and death of the 12 [...]
Jesus Became Poor
1st Corinthians chapter 8 begins with the Apostle Paul commending the churches of Macedonia for [...]
What Makes Following Jesus so Difficult?
Sometimes we may think or hear others say that Jesus has made it difficult to [...]
Restoring Spiritual Gifts to the Church
In the New Testament we read that signs were used to confirm the Word (Mark [...]
Restore Trust
In Proverbs 3:5-6 the Scripture reads, “Trust (be confident, sure) in the Lord with all [...]
I Come from God
In John 16:24-27, Jesus speaking to His apostles concerning prayer and their needs says; “For [...]
Hope Built on Nothing Less
In First Corinthians 3:11 Jesus Christ is described as the foundation of the Church. “For [...]
Jesus Encounters Mathew
In Luke 5:27-30 Jesus encounters Levi (Mathew) sitting at receipt of custom (vs. 27). Jesus [...]
Son of Man
Today as in times past there are those who are always ready to deny the [...]
Consequences of Sin
The immediate context of 1 Timothy 5:21-25 is the relationship to and the treatment of [...]
One Body
In Col 2:9 we learn that Jesus was not simply like a prophet who had [...]
Do Not Be Foolish
In Ephesians chapter five various instructions are given to members of the Church who are [...]
Lead Us Not into Temptation
In Matt 6: 9-13 Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Within that prayer there is [...]
Wisdom Brings Hope
Proverbs 24:14 tells us that to know the wisdom of God brings both reward and [...]
Safely to His Heavenly Kingdom
The 4th Chapter of 2 Timothy is a record of both sadness and triumph. Paul [...]
Jesus Came to End Hunger
In John chapter 6, Jesus miraculously fed 5000 men with loaves and fishes. Later, some [...]
While She Was with Them
In Acts chapter 9, Peter was asked to come to Joppa without delay, because a [...]
Jesus is Compassionate
Jesus has great compassion for us. He is touched with our grief (Luke 7:13). In [...]
Response to Suffering
In 1 Peter chapter two, Peter urged Christians to behave honorably among unbelievers. To accomplish [...]
The Power of Joy
In 1 Peter 4:12-13 Christians are instructed not to think it strange (foreign) when fiery [...]
Prayed for His Enemies
As we go through life, if we are trying to live the right way and [...]
My Life Is Not Dear
In Acts 20:23-24 the Apostle Paul indicates by inspiration, that it has been revealed unto [...]
To Serve
In Philippians 2:7 we learn that Jesus Christ left the presence of His Father to [...]
In Titus 3:1-8, after instructing Titus to put the brethren in mind to be “ready [...]
Man of Sorrows
One of my favorite songs concerning the cross of Jesus is entitled “Man of Sorrows”. [...]
Delivered from Our Troubles
In Psalms 54, David by inspiration expresses a general truth that God helps those who [...]
Resist the Devil
In 1 Peter 5:8 the Devil is described as a roaring lion who “walketh about [...]
God Is Faithful
The Scripture reveals that God is faithful (1 Cor. 1:9; 1 Cor. 10:19). Therefore we [...]
Forgive One Another
In Ephesians 4:31-32 the Church at Ephesus is instructed to put away bitterness, wrath, anger, [...]
Giving Thanks
In 1st Thessalonians 5:18 the Scripture, instructs the Church to “give thanks” (eucharisteo-to be grateful [...]
The Pattern of Conversion in the New Testament: The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
The Book of Acts was written by Luke, an inspired man of God, for the [...]
Peace with God & Obedient Faith
In the context of Ephesians chapter 2, we as gentiles are described as in times [...]
Walk in the Path of Life
Psalms 16 includes a message of dependence, trust, obedience and hope. This scripture provides much [...]
Walk in the City Foursquare
In the 21st chapter of Revelation, John is shown the holy city adorned as a [...]
The Christian Walk
In Ephesians 4:1, Christians are instructed to walk (regulate one’s life or conduct) worthy of [...]
Walk How Jesus Walked
In 1 John 2:3-6 the Scripture tells us that “we do know (may perceive, know [...]
Power of the Gospel
Without the death of Christ on the cross the Gospel would be of no value. [...]
He Did Not Save Himself
In Mark 15:29-31, while Jesus hanged on the cross He was mocked by those passing [...]
Washed Us From Our Sin
In Revelation 1:5 the Scripture says that Jesus, “loved us and washed us from our [...]
A Living Sacrifice
In Romans 12:1-2 inspiration beseeches us (calls us near) to present our bodies a living [...]
Free Gift
In Romans 5:17 there is a comparative between the one man Adam through whom sin [...]
Repentance is defined by Thayer as “to change one’s mind for better, heartily to amend [...]
Be Thankful
Being thankful is a commanded behavior (Col. 3:15). Since it is a commanded behavior we [...]
Love Each Other Deeply
In 1 Peter 4: 7-8 the scripture says “be ye sober and watch unto prayer [...]
In Hebrews 11:1-2 the scripture says; Now faith is the substance (sub-structure, foundation) of things [...]
In Hebrews chapter 13, after instructing the brethren on their responsibilities to one another (vs. [...]
God Gives Us His Ear
Psalms 84 is an inspired description of three broad elements of a faithful life. The [...]
The Spirit Descended upon Him
In Matthew 3:16-17 we read of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. At [...]
Fear No Evil
In Psalms 23:4 we read, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow [...]
Love of Money
In 1 Timothy 6:10 we read; “For the love of money (avarice- excessive or insatiable desire for [...]
This Is Eternal Life
In John chapter 17 we find the remarkable prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ, reaching [...]
Wonderful, Counselor
In Isaiah 9:6 the scripture speaks of the coming Messiah. “For unto us a child [...]
Praise for Courage
Webster defines courage as the mental or moral strength to venture. persevere and withstand danger [...]
Pray for Each Other
In James 4:16 we are encouraged to confess our faults one to another and pray [...]
No Condemnation
In Romans 8:1 the apostle Paul contrasts the Mosaic Law, with its inability to destroy [...]
Restore Newness
In Revelation Chapters 20 and 21, we see the overthrow of the devil, the books [...]
Jesus Can Forgive
Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). In accordance [...]
Steps to the Plan of Salvation
In today’s world there are many theories and man-made requirements pushed upon believers concerning what [...]
Hearing and Faith
It is written in Hebrews 11:6 “For without faith it is impossible to please Him; [...]
The English words "baptize" and "baptism" found in the Bible are not a translated words [...]
In the New Testament "confession" means “ declare openly or speaking out freely such confession [...]