In 2nd Corinthians Chapter 11 it is recorded that the Church was being deceived by false teachers.  These teachers were “false prophets, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ” (vs 13).  They were making claims of greatness thereby deceiving the brethren.  Paul on the other hand had served the brethren humbly, preaching the simplicity of the gospel while being chargeable to no man.  He was not burdensome to them in any way (vs 9). Paul in essence tells the Corinthians that since they were falling for the boasts of the false prophets, who were evidently disparaging Paul, he would “foolishly” lay out some of his human credential.  He does this in a most powerful way from verse 22 through the end of the chapter.

In our Christian walk we may sometimes be considered weak because we are humble, naïve because we are charitable or less intelligent because we believe the Bible.  Paul shows us here that being a true follower of Christ includes boldness, intelligence and strength while the boastful professions of the world are but foolishness.  We do not glory in these things. We are simply Christians going about doing good (Acts 10:38) while believing and sharing the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  A blessed life.

How God Saves —  Keep the Faith