In Romans 7:15-25 the apostle Paul by inspiration speaks of the Old Testament law of God as that which defined the sin of man  but yet provided no relief.  He discusses that defining sin does not make the law evil but rather it is man who is committing the sin. The law simply pointed out to the Jew his hopeless condition with great need for the coming Messiah.

As a man and Christian Paul had the strong desire to do all that was right and to abstain from all that was evil. However the scripture still records that at times Paul would fail to do that which was pleasing unto God.  In essence the scripture is telling us that the great Apostle was just like you and me. He experienced the internal conflict of the spirit against the flesh and the associated anxiety. “O the wretched man that I am!  Who shall deliver me from this body of death?”(vs24).  But then he speaks of comfort.  For while the old law provided no remedy for sin the new law does, in the Messiah.

As Christians, how blessed we are to have the peace, comfort, forgiveness and hope found only in Jesus Christ. We are free from the death of sin!  Let us rejoice.

How God Saves – Keep the Faith.