In Romans 15:1-5 the strong are instructed to support those who are weak and experiencing difficulty (vs1).  The one helping is to do so holding the others interest above his own and with the full intent of building up the weaker brother (vs 2).  Jesus is given as an example of one who made Himself weak so that we could become strong (vs 3).  The scripture then tells us that “whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience (endurance and constancy) and comfort (calling near, solace,  encouragement) of the scriptures might have hope” (vs4).

In this life we will experience many trials and hardships.  When we face these challenges we are to consider the scripture and remember that just as God was present for those in the past (Hebrews 11), He is ready to help us (Hebrews 13:5-6).  In addition, when others face challenges and we are working to help, we must remember the scripture and all that God has done for our good.  Can we really feel that our service to others is burdensome, when we consider the great sacrifice that God has made for us (Romans 12:1)?  We must be a hopeful and helpful people.

Let’s love as brethren (1 Peter 3:8).


How God Saves – – Keep the Faith.