In Acts Chapter 4 we find the wonderful account of agape love that brethren of the church extended to one another.   After being imprisoned overnight and the completion of a successful trial before the priests, scribes and rulers (vs 3, 7), Peter and John were released (vs 21).  They had been threatened and told not to preach Jesus anymore (vs 18, 21).  After reporting these events to the other apostles (vs 23) they prayed asking for boldness to speak the word (vs 29). There was a quake where they were assembled, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to preach boldly (vs 31). Believers who were present, as in Acts 2:44 shared their possessions, having all things common (vs 32).

Some have labeled these acts of love as communism. This is not true.  First the giving was of free will.  We learn this from Acts 5:4 where it is said of some property given; “while it remained was it not thine own and after it was sold was it not in thine own power”.  Second, the proceeds were distributed according to need and not equality. (Acts 2:45 and Acts 4:35).  Third we know that Christians continued to own property, as did Mary in Acts 12:12.  And finally 1st John 3:17 speaks of those who continue to have property for use in helping others in need.

In summary, what we see in these accounts is not coerced communism but rather Christian fellowship which says to a brother in need “What is mine is yours, I’ll share it” (Reese).  Yet another blessing of the Christian walk.  Let’s bask in the security of our fellowship.

How God Saves – – Keep the Faith