In Proverbs 3:5-6 the Scripture reads, “Trust (be confident, sure) in the Lord with all thine heart (mind will, understanding, determination); and lean not unto thine own understanding (discernment).  In all thy ways (course of life) acknowledge (know, learn to know, be acquainted with) Him and He shall direct (make straight, make smooth, make right) thy paths (roadway, way of living).” This blessed approach to life is contrasted with the instruction in verse 6, “Be not wise in thine own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil”.

From these passages we see that we can have a close and blessed relationship with God Almighty.  He does however require that we do our part.  This instruction is carried over into the New Testament in James 4: 15, “If the Lord wills” and in Acts 17: 27-28, “in Him we live move and have our being”.  These passages like those of the Old Testament reveal a closeness that may be attained with our Creator if we take the time to seek, trust and obey.

Will we make the effort to improve and or restore our trust in God?  It’s up to us.  Nothing can stop us but ourselves. (Rom. 8:38-39).

How God Save – – – Keep the faith.