In Luke 5:27-30 Jesus encounters Levi (Mathew) sitting at receipt of custom (vs. 27).  Jesus said “follow me”.  Mathew left all, rose up and followed (vs. 28).  Mathew then made him a great feast in his own house where a great company of publicans and others sat down with them (vs. 29). The Pharisees then murmured against the disciples for dining with publicans and sinners (vs. 30).  Jesus responded to the criticism by saying “They that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick.  I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (vs. 31-32).

From this account we may consider the following:

  • Mathew was excited about finding the Savior and desired to introduce him to others. Have we grown cold in our service?
  • Jesus accommodated Mathew in his zeal. Do we assist others in their zeal to introduce friends to the Gospel?
  • Though surrounded by sinners Jesus did not forget His mission as the Physician. Do we forget our mission when we are around sin?
  • Criticism did not distract Jesus from His ministry. Has criticism discouraged us in our service?

Simple reminders from the life of the Savior.

How God Saves – – Keep the faith!