In Col 2:9 we learn that Jesus was not simply like a prophet who had received a measure of power from God but rather in Him dwelleth (house permanently) the fullness (completion) of the Godhead (the state of being God, Deity) bodily.  Jesus Christ is Deity!  This fact is contrasted in verse 8 with the religious philosophies of the world.

Please note that one who does not follow Christ has been taken as spoil (carried off as a slave; seduced; captured by an enemy).  The weapons of this spiritual conflict are philosophy (sophistry or wisdom of men) and vain deceit (empty delusions), traditions (given over with word of mouth or in writing) of men and the rudiments (primary and fundamental principles) of the world.  As Jackson has stated, “One might describe it as philosophical kindergarten in contrast with the true wisdom and advanced knowledge found only in following Christ.”

How thankful we should be that someone has taught and continues to teach us beyond the religious philosophies and traditions found in the protestant and catholic world today.  We have been given a gift.  May we ever defend, cherish and share the truth and freedom found only in Christ.

How God Saves — Keep the Faith