In Acts chapter 9, Peter was asked to come to Joppa without delay, because a disciple named Tabitha (Dorcas) had died.

Dorcas was a woman described as a disciple (learner; Christian woman) being “full of good works and alms deeds (charitable giving) which she did” (vs. 36).  The tense of the verb used (she did) indicates continuous action.  At least one of the good deeds performed by Dorcas was the making of garments “while she was with them” (vs. 39).  Please note that her body was there yet she was not, proving mankind is not wholly mortal.  Peter, by the power of God, raised Dorcas from the dead (vs. 41).

From this account of Dorcas we can learn the following:

  • God knows His disciples (vs. 36).
  • Our good works need to be a way of life (continuous action, vs. 36).
  • Difficult things such as sickness and death happen to good people (vs. 37).
  • Many people are influenced for good by our works (vs. 39, 41; Matt. 5:16).
  • A righteous life is of great benefit to the Church and to all (vs. 42).

To our faithful Christian mothers, wives, daughters and sisters we say THANK YOU!

How God Saves – – Keep the Faith