In 1 Peter 4:12-13 Christians are instructed not to think it strange (foreign) when fiery trials come upon us but to rather “rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed (return of Christ to judge the world) ye may be glad (calmly happy or well off) also with exceeding joy (gladness).”   A similar instruction and promise is found in Matt 5:11-12.

A faithful Gospel preacher of an earlier time summarized the meanings of these verses in this way: “Thus, so far as the sufferings of Christians are of the same kind, originate from the same causes and are prompted by the same motives as those the Saviour suffered, they have occasion to rejoice in the assurance that such suffering will secure for them participation in His glory in the by and by.”

In life we have a tendency to faint in the face of spiritual challenges and wonder if God has become more distant.  These scriptures answer that concern and empower us to persevere even unto joy.  For we know that “our labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor.  15:58).   Be steadfast.

How God Saves – Keep the Faith