In Philippians 2:7 we learn that Jesus Christ left the presence of His Father to take on the form (nature) of a servant (slave, voluntary subservience).   Jesus is identified as a suffering servant (Isa. 53:1) and our example (underwriting and exhibit for imitation 1 Peter 2:21; John 13:15).  Jesus came as a servant to both God the Father and mankind.

From the example of Jesus, what can we learn about being a servant? Jesus humbled himself before men (John 13:15) and instructed us on simple acts of kindness (Matt. 25:35-40).  He appropriately and without apology taught the truth even when it offended some people (Matt. 15:12-14).  He protected the integrity of God given institutions (Mark 11:15-17) and defended the reputation of God and His family (John 8:41-42).  Jesus endured when some of His family were non-believers (John 7:5) and provided for the security of his mother (John 19:27).  He taught us not to serve to be seen of men (Matt 6:1). Finally He endured the cross and taught us how forgiveness is appropriated (Luke 23:34; Acts 2:36-38; Luke 17:1-4).

Jesus set the example for us to follow.  Will we demonstrate Christ-like service every day?

How God Saves – Keep the Faith