In 1st Thessalonians 5:18 the Scripture, instructs the Church to “give thanks” (eucharisteo-to be grateful or express gratitude) “in everything” (pas – all, the whole), “for this is the will (thelema – will, desire) of God in Christ Jesus concerning (eis– for) you”.  Within these words there are several things to consider.

First, we are to express our gratitude to God in everything; not just in the good and pleasant times of this life.  This command is also expressed in Ephesians 5:20 where we are told to offer our thanks “always for all things” to “the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Whether we have sunshine or rain we must be thankful.

Next we learn that we should give thanks to God because that is His Will for us.  If we are to please God we must be a thankful people.  Not that He needs our thanks (Acts 17:25), but because it is good for us.  Thankfulness and obedience go hand in hand (Rom. 1:21; Col. 3:17), and obedience brings about forgiveness (Rom. 6:17-18) without which we cannot be saved.