In 1 John 2:3-6 the Scripture tells us that “we do know (may perceive, know absolutely) that we know Jesus if we keep his commandments” (vs. 3) and that we are a liar if we do not (vs. 4).  We are also told that if we keep his Word the love of God is perfected (complete) in us (vs. 5).  Finally in verse 6 we find that there is a debt or obligation for us to fulfill; “He that saith he abideth in Him ought (is indebted or has an obligation) himself also so to walk even as he walked.”  Yes brethren we have an obligation to walk as Christ walked if we are to claim Him.

We often see a segregated approach to religion.  Some will seek to know the Word while walking in the ways of the negligent world.  Others will choose to remain willfully ignorant of the Word but seek their own form of righteousness.  In order to please God, knowledge, obedience and action must be combined.

Jesus obeyed the Father and went about doing good (Act 10:38). Are we walking in his footsteps?  That should certainly be our goal if we are to please the Father.