Without the death of Christ on the cross the Gospel would be of no value.  Mankind could not be saved and the Gospel which had been preached even unto Abraham (Gal 6:3) would be a lie.  Because of this it may be said that the death of Christ on the cross unleashed the power of the Gospel (1 Cor. 1:18).

The Gospel is precious to the Christian, for it has been certified as Revelation of Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:12) and has been identified as the power (force or strength) of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16).  In Rev. 14:6 it is described as everlasting (perpetual).  The Gospel must be obeyed in order to know God and escape punishment (2 Thess. 1:8).

The Gospel is something that can be perverted (corrupted) and when it is the faithful are troubled (Gal 1:7)There is a stir or agitation among the brethren.  We must be set for the defense (reasoned statement or argument) of the Gospel (Phil 1:7; 17).  There can be no compromise.

The glorious (magnificent, excellent, preeminent, dignified) Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Tim 1:11), must be cherished, studied and obeyed.  There are no substitutes.