In Mark 15:29-31, while Jesus hanged on the cross He was mocked by those passing by saying; “save thyself and come down from the cross” (vs. 30). On the night of His arrest Jesus had already affirmed that He could have been physically saved (Matt. 26:53) but that He submitted because “ how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must  be (vs. 54)?  Yes, Jesus willingly gave His life.  No one took it from Him!  This was the will of the Father (vs. 42).

Christians are to be imitators of God (Eph. 5:1 ASV). The suffering of Jesus is our example (1 Pet. 2:21). Do we imitate Jesus Christ?  Are we honest even to our own hurt (Psalms 15:4)?  Do we speak the truth, even when it is not popular (2 Tim. 4:2-3)? Are we willing to put ourselves at risk for the doctrine (Gal. 4:16; Matt 15:12-14)? Or do we timidly follow “religious truth by consensus,” while letting error and disobedience pass in the name of peace (Jer. 6:14-16)?  There is both a blessing (Matt. 5:11) and punishment (Ezek. 33:7-9) associated with our actions. Will we be found steadfast and faithful?