In Hebrews chapter 13, after instructing the brethren on their responsibilities to one another (vs. 1), strangers (vs. 2), those imprisoned, and those who are mistreated (vs. 3). Inspiration sets the record straight on the subject of marriage and sexual immorality, stating; “Marriage is honorable (valuable, esteemed, precious) in all and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers (prostitutes or fornicators) and adulterers God will judge” (sentence, condemn, punish, avenge).

If we are to obey God, walking as one, we must maintain this view of marriage.  It is honorable!  In today’s society we go from one extreme to the other.  There are those who claim celibacy as a superior spiritual position while others practice sexual immorality through cohabitation, fornication, and adultery.  To some marriage is unnecessary and old fashion.  Others marry but consider divorce as an easy way out.  In our depravity some even contend that marriage may be between those of the same gender.  These lifestyles are abominations that God will punish (Rom. 1:26-32).

As Christians we enjoy marriage as good (Prov. 18:22), rejoice with our spouse (Prov. 5:18) and love as Christ (Eph. 5:25).  We know that we have a valued partner who is one with us (Matt. 19:5) until death and that when we make it to heaven someday it may well have been due in large part to the help received from our faithful spouse while here on earth.

Love each other.

How God Saves – – Keep the Faith.