In 1 Peter 4: 7-8 the scripture says “be ye sober and watch unto prayer (7) and above all things have fervent (stretched out as a string to its fullest extent) charity (love) among yourselves for charity (love) shall cover a multitude of sins” (8). Perhaps this passage may be better understood by the following words:

Keep your love for one another sustained and genuine. Love for ones fellow saints is very important for we look after one another spiritually.  When we observe slippage in a fellow, we seek to gently bring them back (Gal 6:1) so that their sin may be covered with divine forgiveness. Jackson- New Testament Commentary.

It is noteworthy that agape love is active.  Love works good to our brethren (Gal 6:10).  It is not expressed in turning a blind eye to sin (Gal. 2: 11-14). Whether sins of the flesh (Rom. 13:8-14) or sin that is demonstrated in false/inaccurate teaching (2 Peter 2:1-3), a call to repentance (Luke 17:3-4; Acts 8:22) and restoration (Gal. 6:1) must take place, if we truly love God and one another.

Today’s society says just get along, hear all teaching, tolerate doctrinal variance and do whatever pleases yourself.  The Scripture says otherwise.  Keep the faith!  Love the brethren!

How God Saves – – – Keep the Faith