In Romans 8:35-37 two questions are posed “Who can separate us from the love of Christ”? “Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword”? (vs 35). A quotation from Psalms 44:22 is then offered saying “For thy sake we are killed all the day long: we are accounted as sheep to the slaughter” (vs 36). In essence, Roman Christians were being subjected to hardship, persecution and death on a regular basis, just as the people of God were in David’s time.
Across the ages the children of God have always experienced hardship, persecution and the threat of physical harm. This condition exists today on an intermittent basis here in America but very directly and near constant in more hostile places in the world. So what is the answer to the two questions?
“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors (vanquish beyond, gain a decisive victory) through Him that loved us” (vs 37). Even if we lose everything in this world including our life we are as Christians the victor; under the care of Christ.
We sometimes sing the song “Anywhere is Home”. The last two lines of the third stanza read; “Looking unto Him, who keeps me in His care, anywhere is home, if Christ my Lord is there.”
What a blessed truth.
How God Saves – – Keep the Faith.