In Ephesians chapter five various instructions are given to members of the Church who are called the “children of light” (Eph. 5:8). In verses 15 and 16 we are told to walk circumspectly (carefully; cautiously) not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time (ransoming the time that might be otherwise thrown away) for the days are evil (filled with peril and wickedness). This sounds like the world today. There is evil all around to discourage us and claim our time, causing us to forget that we are the Church, the children of light. We are told to walk as wise in verse 15 and then in verse 17 we are told how to do it. To walk wise is to walk “understanding what the will of the Lord is” (vs. 17).
When we are overwhelmed with trouble and tempted by evil we can go to the Scripture which gives us a point of control; understanding the will of the Lord. We often sing the song; Looking to Thee which includes the chorus “I’m as happy as a true soldier can be, yes looking to Thee.” We have been given the beautiful walk of faith. Don’t let the perils of life steal it. Walk wisely.
How God Saves — Keep the Faith