1. Who has the words of eternal life? (John 6:68)


2. In John 17:17 the word of God is what?


3. In John 17:17 whose word is Truth?


4. In John 12:48 what are the words of Jesus said to do?


5. According to John 14:26 who would the Father send in the name of Jesus to control accuracy of the gospel message?


6. According to John 14:26 what will the Holy Spirit do?


7. According to John 16:13 The Holy Spirit will also:


8. In 1 Corinthians 2:13 the apostles message was said to be what?


9. In 1 Corinthians 14:37 the words which the Apostle Paul recorded must be acknowledged as what?


10. According to 2 Timothy 3:16 how was the scripture given?


11. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 the scripture is said to furnish us for what?


12. According to 2 Peter 1:3 the knowledge we are given by the scripture includes what?


13. In 1 Timothy 3:14-15 the scripture teaches us how to what?


14. How is one born again according to 1 Peter 1:23?


15. According to Romans 10:1-3 if we are to please God we must do what?


16. According to Galatians 1:6-8 will there ever be another gospel?